Saturday, September 03, 2005


Life in a world full of sex

I like to read the review column of Orson Scott Card. This week he reviewed a couple of movies "Four Brother" and "Must love Dogs". I really like Scott because he says thing I believe. This weeks a bit different in that he was talking about sex. How no one in the movie had thought it a problem to be sleeping with people they are not married to. Then he goes on to say it's more normal for this people to be married having sex then not married having sex.

I found this to be completely incorrect. I mean what he really should be saying is although we know people are having sex out of wedlock, we don't see that behavior as appropriate. We see this promiscuity as one of the knifes that slices through the fabric of our society. What's worse is people either don’t see it or are to busy having sex to care.

I've heard the arguments. Women were treated poorly, children were beaten, husbands ruled houses with an iron fist. Well here's my question, did any of that stop because people stopped getting married before sex? Is life any better now that 50% of marriages end in divorce? If your saying YES lots of things changed, then I would direct you to the next showing of "cops" on your television. Only a few short stories into it and we see the continued dysfunction of our sexual and psychological appetites shown specifically for our entertainment purposes. I’ll also remind you of the continued youth violence that began to plague our country side when in the 60’s marriage was devalued. Have things changed, well yes, but we paid a mighty high price for the those changes. and I for one would like to have my money back.

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